I was planning on buying the game despite the leaks and I get it seeing from a bad guy’s point of view but many games follow the good guy bad guy routine to justify the killing and even if Joel did what he did in the first game I mean as a character he went through a tough loss of a daughter and being told let Ellie dye in the first game is just cruel after the first game’s journey but this game decided to take the latter option of the argument justifying Joel as a villain for sacrificing the cure which is kinda pointless seeing how 60-70% of the population is already gone and the since this genocide as probably helped nature bounce back animal population increase and humanity still survive so I was happy with the first game. The second game started out by killing Joel made killing suddenly questionable I mean playing half way of the game with the character that killed Joel and leaving the ending with the villain survived I am happy I watched the walkthrough before playing this game and I am happy I found the leaks because sequel needs a continuation from a root this game is trying to play good cop bad cop this is my personal opinion I am not buying this game this game is too dark from the first