The movie as a "movie" is good, however this movie is not at all representative of Christians or Catholics. Yes, there have been some infamous scandals and the public view of the Church has been trending downwards, individuals have genuinely been tormented by the actions of a few, and to those my prayers go out to you, stay strong. There are absolutely no excuses for these perpetrators and they will answer to God, as will all of us. We are humans, we are fallible, its just our nature...Conversely the Church has been a rock for so many, including myself, and to only see this negativity and constant spotlight on the darkest shadows cast by some of the actions of individuals is just depressing. I'm not trying to convert anyone, all I'm saying is that there is so much more to religion then what is usually conveyed in society and movies and with that I ask you to take a balanced outlook when watching this movie as it seems quite one-sided against the Church and Christianity. As humans, we sin, and there's nothing we can do about that, but what we can do is repent and reflect, improving ourselves and loving and caring for one another in the process, help each other out with issues like this, and remember, God loves you and you are not alone.