Ok. Those who have a lousy review here are nuts. This was fantastic and the best I’ve watched in a long long time. Nicole was great! Come on people.. she plays a therapist. A Harvard educated one and her demeanor is perfect. They have learned from the profession to be emotionless and objective in order to do their job. She is even, no ups, no downs. As the truth of her marriage begins to unfold, she’s in shock so some more emotion is coming out but she still stays true to her character, true to who she believes her character would be. The outfits are not distracting. These people are wealthy living in NYC. The clothes are exactly what they should be. I was not a Hugh Grant fan prior to this, but I am today. Excellent. Donald has always been on the top of my list and I was not disappointed. He was fantastic!! The son was good and very good for his age. He could have done more, especially during the bridge scene. Loved his screams, but he wasn’t frantic enough. He’s young and is well on his way! The director was fabulous. The lighting, the cinematography, character development, wonderful. Great writing. I was never bored. It doesnt matter we know early ‘who done it’. You still question it because she questions it. For her sake, you still hope he didn’t do it. It’s about a married woman who has zero reason to question her beloved husband who’s a wonderful father. I loved the surprises throughout the series. The attorney was fabulous as well. So commanding. What a presence. I’ve known these type of people and the truth is they often get away with it. They get away with disgusting behavior. Have you ever dealt with a nyc coop board? Run people. And one more thing... the night before, I started to watch the Selena series on Netflix. Such a sell out. It was a B rated, horribly acted, horribly directed, horribly written piece of junk. All to increase their audience base. For those who think this wasn’t good, try watching that. It was like watching a lifetime movie. From the 90s no doubt. Even that was better then the Selena series. Netflix should be ashamed of themselves. Way to go HBO!