in epic mickey you play as mickey who basically caused a world to become a wasteland and mickey later on being dragged into it by the blot and comes in with a double jump and a spin he also uses a magic brush which allows you to use paint and thinner and he uses paint to well paint in objects with toon and toon being vibrantly colored areas that stick out compared to the darker world around mickey also mickey uses thinner think of thinner like toon acid from who framed roger rabbit used to well get rid of toon such as I dunno a wall and the enemies of epic mickey melt and drop more thinner or hp when thinner is being used and paint will make them join your side and when it comes to bosses you use paint to turn them good or thinner to anger them and make them sad like for example imagine this theres a boss with two long arms and a face that is not painted in you can paint the arms so they will go down and help mickey to get up to the face to paint it in or you can use thinner to break the arms by thinning the toon around it based on your choice characters will treat you differently and give different side quests which you can be nice or be mean when doing so making things worse or better and your choices matter and well in the game after you beat the game you can new game plus it and get things you would have missed depending on the path you take.
also this game has a lot of interesting concept art dating back to 2008 I would say search it up if you are interested because things are being dug up more and more.
and that is it and now let me ramble on about a remake if you did not know epic mickey two flopped and junction point the studio got their thrown out by disney and most of the people behind them are ceo's or are working on other amazing projects and if I am going to be honest I am happy for them but I still want a remake or rerelease and what I would like from that would be:
- epic mickey 1&2 hub areas to be mixed such as making main street longer and bigger with side details and shops while having the aspects of epic mickey ones version of the area still in there.
- I want more quests inside the game with the expanded area's involved and things from epic mickey two such as cloth and metal to be implemented in a fashion that can expand the hub worlds or side area's making them either assessable or expanded.
- more concept art pieces to find around the world and collectables maybe developer commentary from the original team for getting a certain amount of concept art.
- Pc port of course
and if the game does not get remade well Disney is losing on money as there's less and less copy's in the world making the only accessible way to play it is by pirating and emulating due to lack of copies and wii support slowly becoming less and less of a thing