Was good til the end they dont even show how she gets off the tower like they cut the finale from the film it ruined what was a good movie i mean howd she get down shows us her dropping a phone in her friends body then suddenly shes on the ground safe and sound how are we suppose to just they may as well have not even bothered making the movie ar we suppose to guess how she came down did Superman grab her. Maybe Batman in Bat wing do a fly by (Sarcasm) its a movie guys we are suppose to see how she gets down kinds the main part of the film like I said ruined like a middle finger to anyone who watched it Thats like me making a war movie this big build up its one soldier against 1000 of the enemy and just as they surround we skip to him alive and well receiving a medal of honor with no knowledge of what went down when he faced down those last 1000 men cause it was cut or we just wanted to give the viewers a middle finger by not having that part in it it may 1 star but consider it 0 stars