This by far is the best adaptation of H G Wells original story in a video format. It has been set in the corect era that the book was writen in, the aliens came down in pods from mars (and the machines were NOT buried on earth thousands of years prior) and for the first time we see the martians using the poisonous black smoke to wipe out the majority of the human race. The machines themselves look amazing without being too complicated in design and filling the viewer with a sense of dread as they commanded the landscape with their presence.
The aliens were different in there design. Not rounded like a bear (as described like the original story) but three leged creatures, not too dis-similiar from the Steven Spielberg film adaptation. Again their design wasn't over complicated but instead made simple, whilst striking fear into the viewer and filling them with a sense of dread.
The main characters of the series followed very closely to the original story. This at first would not appear to be apparent to the viewer. To compare, George is the narator, Fred is the narators brother. Did you spot the preacher (Curate) in the post martian segments? Ogilvy the astronomer. Amy being the love interest. The Artilleryman, who wandered through woking after the first tripod went on a rampage, bumping into George.
The story of the series followed H G Wells book closely as well. Look closely at the different settings. It started in woking, moving into london and the surrounding areas. The main characters, along with many other survivours ended up on a beach where they all attempted to board boats and get to the safety of the sea.
In summary, with everything that I have already mentioned, this is by far the best adaption of the original book that has ever made it to TV. For me at least, it ticks all the boxes. I have been waiting for years for an adaption that holds true to what H G Wells had written and now I can say that it has FINALY been done. Well done BBC.