About Season 4:
This episode was a kind of surrealistic show, without the mastermind control that rick always had on the events. Magic was introduced and accepted as a reality of the world and Rick acknowledged that he really liked that and talked about how imaginary magic is. There are no scientific rules and excessive care in the realm of magic. Whatever you wish is possible.
So, the world of this episode is cryptic, having also a cat that talks without his mouth ever moving, making us feel uncomfortable whether it is talking or it's just a hallucination.
Maybe, we can say this whole season has gotten a more magical metaphysical perspective of the world, in contrast to the previous seasons that represented material sciences as the only logical explanation of the world. In the first episode we have Morty as a metaphor for the servants of God; those who only walk were God has set forth for them and through this surrendering will become Godlike figures who cannot be killed and who can know people's secrets. Look at where the death stone is located. It is on the Ajna Chakra of third eye as a reference to Buddhist beliefs in an intuitive possibility of human minds.
Next we have in episode two of this season, a depiction of paradise. Sure this is a paradise made by Rick, but anyway the very representation of a paradise can implicate a movement toward the topics of metaphysics in this episode of Rick and Morty.