The film "Bruised" has moved me like no other, and stayed with me night and day ever since I watched it. "Big protects Little." "You are too little to protect yourself, but I'm Big and I will protect you. Remember, Big protects Little."
And Hallie was talking to herself. What a brave women, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually to create this role, make and direct and act in this film, and I hope it brings the world to see that people are shaped by their environment in ways that others cannot know and we cannot see. Some of us are "Beautiful on the outside, with all our damage inside." This is a "win" for all of us who have survived abuse in any form and know what it takes to find the Warrior Spirit, the Fighter inside, that allows us to not only survive, but to flower into Spirit, the Spirit of Trust and Love.
Bravo, Ms. Berry. We are looking for many, many more films from this tremendous director and terrific actress. This film deserves an Academy Award, an Oscar, and any other award and ackolaid known to us.
Gracias = Grace, Amen.