It’s not a very good movie. The fact that the characters are fumbling around this movie blindfolded pretty much sums up Bird Box. This film mindlessly gropes about trying to find its footing. The universe around which this movie attempts to center itself, doesn’t adhere to its own rules. the parts that’re the most ridiculously absurd is the forced love interest, surviving a capsized boat — blindfolded, with blindfolded children, in a rapid, while ferrying a hole-punched box punched filled with birds, “managing to survive” only to be tempted — while still blindfolded — by the entity that’s supposed to affect you once you see it. In the end, the “threat” develops the ability to attack its points of interest with audible hallucinations. Somehow, Sandra Bullock overcomes all of this by just screaming at the wind and....and, we’re all dumber for having seen this film.