A very different take from traditional Zelda titles but still a enjoyable experience in its own right. This title focuses on adventure, exploration, wilderness, hence the name "wild" in the title. However, by making it a sandbox/open-world style of game, the story may not flow very well depending on how you play the game (i.e., depending on which missions you choose to complete first, etc.).
Pros: Lots of places to explore, many things to do (e.g., shrines, side quests), plenty of weapons and items to acquire, and fun recipes to try out.
Cons: Non-linear storytelling depending on how you go about completing your missions or which ones you do first. Mediocre boss fights (only real challenging one was Thunderblight). Really disappointing final boss fights.
Verdict: A good Zelda title, but definitely not a favourite of mine. 89/100 rating.