I have 62 hours on the game and already beat the main questline, but due to a bug, I had to start over at the Nocturna quest, which I will remind you that I already beat! I read somewhere online that there's an epilogue. Well, not for me. I don't know what happened there, but that's very disappointing in my book!
My biggest concern is the fact that there's no third-person mode. Most RPGs, excluding the Outer Worlds, offer both first-person and third-person modes in their games. Both Skyrim and Fallout 4 do it. Why can't CDPR jump on that train, too?
Another big concern is the fact that the game seems poorly optimized. I don't have a super good computer, but I shouldn't be lagging as much as I have been on this game and I certainly shouldn't have to dumb down my graphics settings to medium quality just to play the game without lagging super badly. Of course, despite toning the graphics quality down, I still lag. Again, I say, the game was poorly optimized. But even at medium quality graphics settings, it's still super gorgeous and the level of detail even at that graphics setting is amazing, so I'll give CDPR props for that, at least.
However, I have more concerns. Like what's the point in having life paths, if said life paths don't affect the game in any way, aside from the boring introductory quest you have to do to introduce you to your life path? The only life path that I've come across that sort of affects the game is the Corpo life path, but it only has a few dialogue options here and there. Other than that, the life paths you choose have zero impact on the game whatsoever.
Another concern is why have M rated character creation options, but then limit romance options to gender preferences? And why should they be limited to the NPC's gender preferences that you're interested in? If it were an RPG, don't you think that it should be limited to the PLAYER'S gender preferences? And if it were a true RPG, you would be able to choose your own name for the character that you created. I'm sorry, but this game doesn't really scream "RPG" to me. Just seems more like a shooter than anything else to me.
About the bugs, though. This game is an extreme buggy mess. I've come across so many game-breaking bugs that weren't fixed by the Day One patch or the patch that came out a few days later. It would be nice if the CDPR staff members stopped PLAYING Cyberpunk 2077 and actually released patches to fix all the bugs inside the game. And I literally know they are playing the game, instead of fixing the bugs, since I was just in their Discord server and 3 of the 5 staff members online were playing the game. Also, they said they fixed the BD flashes. If that was the case, why do they still make me dizzy and give me a headache? Obviously, they need to fix that even more than they did last time.
So would I recommend this game at its current stage? No. I would highly recommend you wait until the game's bugs, glitches, and lag problems have been fixed by either CDPR or modders.