It tried, but it fails, because it's going for high camp and misses. (If you want to see a movie that does it spectacularly well, watch "Down With Love".) Seinfeld is just too far a natural comedic persona to pull off camp - in this movie he either underplays or tries way too hard. McCarthy - who at this point I will call the movie saver - is good at it and once she arrives, the movie does improve.(Also, James Marsden is good at it too, having already been in the high camp "Enchanted".) But the klunky eye-rolling bits still happen. It's akin to the first time driving a stick-shift, it gets rolling but is annoyingly awkward stop-and-go for the rest of the way. Some things work great, but others are just wincingly bad. It's as if Seinfeld wrote something he thought was "soooo clever" and he was so pleased with himself that no one dared veto him on anything. Wish they had. (And also, please, please, stop with the kids giving adult-like-dialog; that schtick is bad and at best comes off as kid actors giving bad line delivery. However, in fairness, as an example of something that works in the movie: the mad men tribute/scene where they come up with a name for the product. Very funny.)