This movie was HORRENDOUS. The plot was utter nonsense. This movie is so far away from reality and is incredibly disappointing. I noticed a theme of characters continuously being put in situations where they should have died, just to be saved by something that doesn’t make sense. This didn’t help that all of the characters in the film were very unlikeable.
(Spoilers )
Some events that made me realize that this movie truly had no redeeming qualities were:
-The wife’s death scene- the dear looked so fake that me and my dad were laughing as the car crashed
-The friend being left to bleed by the killer… it would have made much more sense for her to die after being left tied up and bleeding for a bout an hour
-The token black police officer being the comic relief (who was still not that funny)
-the daughter and her friend kissing at the end. There was no buildup throughout the entire film and it felt forced and random.
-The bullet proof vest
-The action scenes
-Towards the beginning when “the bad guys” are following the protag’s pickup and he doesn’t notice them at all, despite being in an isolated area with no close buildings to his home
This movie is a ONE STAR for me