This movie was fantastic! The camera work was incredible and never boring to watch. Visually, it was a masterpiece of color and energy. The action was the best we have had in the MCU since Spiderman took out Mysterio's drones. The final fight scene finally escaped the trope of the villain and hero having the exact same power, which was what I was expecting from the trailer going into the movie. The movie also did such an incredible job splicing in backstory at just the right moment that it was engaging and made the characters more interesting instead of distracting from the plot. There are some criticisms I have of the movie, such as the reliance on the trope of a perfectly peaceful society that gets attacked as a backstory/setting, the trope of killing off the villain right when he is at the point of redemption and could have an interesting character arc, and finally just the way that some of the jokes fell flat. But as a whole, this is undeniably the most unique and creative movie to be made this year, and it was incredible to get to watch it in theaters with the full super hero experience!