Kung Fu Panda 4 is a fun and funny new installment in the Kung Fu Panda Franchise which delivers in big jokes and continuing Po's character arc. While the pacing is a major problem and the third act was rushed, the fighting sequences were vivid and as great as ever.
While the cast is incredibly talented, Viola Davis' Chameleon is a step down from the previous villains as while she delivers as a menacing threat, there is no backstory to make her interesting. This is what sets this villain apart from the others in the franchise (not in a good way).
Additionally, the final battle was incredibly rushed and lasted for little over 3 minutes. Chameleon was severely nerfed and the ensemble of villains was underutilized with Tai Lung being the only familiar villain who actually spoke.
All in all, while it's humour is one of the best in the franchise, its action was great and Po's journey was awesome, its pacing and main villain unfortunately bring it down. However, I would still recommend it if you want a fun time and more Kung Fu Panda action :)