Excellent Documentary. Every American should watch this; away from their children. This is so disturbing in every way. It shows the ignorance of people who have no understanding of the history of the many cultures that make up the United States of America. It also shows how many parents fail to be the active participants of their own children’s lives, influences, and understanding. Don’t allow your children to be influenced by such people. Be afraid of these people. Be very afraid! They hide behind a false belief of God, teaching ignorance, fear, mistrust, and unjustified judgment of other people. Passing on their own insecurities, trying to prevent the innocent children the chance to experience and understand the world in which they live. They do not teach love as stated by the apostle John. They do not teach forgiveness as described by every apostle of Jesus. They clearly do not understand the lessons of the Bible, or the teachings of Jesus. They are led by ungodly preachers who are charlatans seeking to expand their tithes. This is what makes cult followers, and aid mentally unstable people like Jim Jones to mislead and steal them away. As we saw in WWII, these kinds of influences can lead to genocide. I wish this was required viewing in every High School in America. If you have never experienced these kind of teachings, be prepared for a shock. Yes, this kind of influence is all over the world, and you need to prepare your children for it. Be kind, forgive, and understand Jesus teachings. But, don’t be fooled by such influences taught by self appointed Pharisees.