This movie is a must watch movie for all people of all ages and all races because it's so true. You don't realize what little things you do until it's a big thing that you can't change or take back. This movie is so inspiring for humans to watch to do better, humans needs to take more responsibility for there actions send actually realize what there simply actions actually lead to and how to effects others and just not yourself. Everytime rewatch this movie i learn something new. There's always something that can be taken away from it. Living in a world like we do now we should really watch this movie and see all three little things we take for granted. When you think the worst thing from getting pulled over by a cop is getting a ticket, you would be wrong. People need to open there eyes and realize 1 small action you do have ripples that affect not just a person ir a family but an entire nation. Until we learn to live with each other and except responsibility for our actions and past actions of others, nothing will ever change. If you don't better yourself today how can you expect your children to better themselves tomorrow?