I'm still waiting for the "Lovecraft" part of this show to appear... I'm 5 episodes in and have yet to see anything recognizable or even similar to the Cthulhu mythos. Oh, wait... there were some poorly done CGI monsters that were supposed to be Shoggoths, but blink and you'll miss them. Really, the show is just using Lovecraft's surname to remind us all how racist the show creators are. The protagonists have very little characterization other than their skin color, which is a terrible diservice to what could be a much better story. The examples of racism displayed in the show are laughably overdone like an SNL skit and difficult to take seriously. Forget about nuance or complex themes, they hit you right over the head with blatantly unrealistic race villains that border on parody. The supernatural themes in the show are just there as a vehicle to point out how bad racism is, like that's news to anyone. If they wanted to make a show about racism, just do that and leave Cthulhu out of it.