So I understand this show is not meant to be the same thing as HIMYM, and I dont want it to be a rip of exactly the same thing.
However I am really missing the extreme personalities, the flashbacks "skits" in the show. Those two things are what made HIMYM AMAZING. So obviously dont have the same personalities as the original show but can we get a LITTLE more from some of these characters.
I LOVE: Valentina, Ellen, Charlie, Hannah (when there), Kim cattral (sophie)
Its okay: Sid, Hilary Duff (sophie)
I think Valentina and Charlie's dynamic is very interesting and they have very unique personalities that make me laugh and make me want to get to know their characters more. I really think Valentina or Charlie are going to be the "new" Barney and they will make the show.
Ellen is a very unique character who has alot of personality, and it very nice to see an openly gay character on a show like this. Kim Cattral YELLS WINE MOM, and that is perfect and I could watch a whole episode of her to be honest, and hope that we get one.
So My HUGE PROBLEM. Jesse.....
He is boring as HELL.... He to me doesnt have any personality or interesting quality to him other than "WHITE MALE". I feel like this is more of a direction choice than acting problem.... If they are trying to do that to make him be just a boring "white male" in a sea of more interesting characters... I wish they would play that up more, Because right now, he is just annoying and boring and very cringey.
HE is a problem in my opinon because I have multiple times wanted to turn off the show JUST BECAUSE OF HIM.
Hilary duff feels too much like the typical Female protagonist that we have seen over and over again. Like the "hey I like this boy. OH now let me CHANGE FOR HIM". EVEN IF! Even if we did this story again, we need to make it hit harder and more unique compared to the rest of them. because so far. I have seen this "that so raven", "what I like about you", "2 broke girls", and I am pretty sure "Lizzie McGuire".
I want This show to work but it doesnt break from the Standard sitcom female lead story it is not going to work.