I love her show and it is almost exactly the same show, with a few minor changes (law clerk and court reporter, different intro, bailiff, etc. but that is about it). Though I will say, I am not a fan of the "after the case / chit chat" with Judge Judy and her granddaughter. I find that part of the show cringe and downright useless, but other than that, I love the new show and never miss a single episode. I have been a fan of Judge Judy my whole life since I was at least 10 or 11 years old and here today at age 26; I still am a fan of hers and I love her new show, but I get where people are coming from with some of their criticisms nonetheless, however the show's new changes are not as bad as some people make them out to be and Judge Judy not having Byrd on the show is not the biggest deal either. I mean it is what it is, she wanted change, her producers probably did too and she wanted to move on. Nothing lasts forever; just saying. Don't get me wrong, I loved Byrd on her original show, they were a great team and sure it would have been nice if Judge Judy informed Byrd ahead of time about the new changes, that, though maybe Judge Judy had her own reasons to part ways with Byrd and get a new bailiff, who knows? We're not here for that, we're here for Judge Judy and her putting people in their places when they do stupid things is what we Judge Judy fans are here for and some of these people in the comments and elsewhere acting like it is a deal breaker for them and acting like Judge Judy committed the ultimate sin by doing that is blown way out of proportion. It is a different show, so of course it is going to have some changes. Also what is the big deal about the court reporter? Judge Joe Brown had a court reporter throughout his entire show. I don't see the big deal here, same with her granddaughter. She is a law clerk herself, it isn't like she is acting as one while on the show, but people have their right to their own opinions and I have many streaming services on my Roku TV in my apartment, and I have Amazon included with it and I watch Judy Justice every change I get whenever a new episode comes out and I am so glad the show has been renewed for a second season, and as one of Judge Judy's most loyal and biggest fans, I will continue watching until the end.