Okay so this book wasn't awful. It was definitely a page turner and very entertaining which earns points. The characters were pretty good; Aaron is spectacularly hateable, Anastasia is a perfectionist, Nate is a team player etc.
The storyline had me invested. A little to much s3x for my liking, but that's personal preference.
My main issue is oh my lord the INACCURACY.
So, I'm a figure skater, and literally on page two there was a reference to Anastasia trying to master her quad Lutz. This would be understandable if she was a 14 year old, international singles free skater. But she isnt???
She's 21 years old, on a college team, and she competes in PAIRS. In reality, this would not happen, and it would be super rare for Stas to be working on 4Lzs. Not impossible, but unrealistic.
Now, if it was a throwaway comment in a book about something other than skating , this wouldnt be an issue. However, skating is the whole plot of this book and it sucks that the author hasnt researched the sport enough to make important plot points like Stas's Lutz-based perfectionism realistic. In addition, it means that Stas's journey to the Olympics storyline seem odd.
Overall, if you aren't a skater and you love romance books, you will probably love this. Hannah Grace is a really good character writer, and all round talented. If you skate, this book will probably irritate you. Kudos to Hannah for writing a really engaging book, but a little more research would be welcome.