I play this game, split screen, with my 6 year old on a regular basis. It is fantastic, the rag doll physics are spot on, and the open world game experience is wonderful for younger kids (and grown ups). There are so many well thought out areas to explore, secrets to unlock and jobs / tasks to complete that reward the player with new items or clothing and in-game currency (thankfully there are no in-game purchases for real money) with which to buy houses, cars, clothes etc. We've completed "most" (according to the 6 year old) of the game tasks to date, but still wobble around making up our own games such as vehicle races against each other, tag, tag with the NPC's in cars (who chase you if you bump into them), or my new favourite; one of us is the UFO and the other person needs to get from point A to point B without being sucked up in the UFO's tractor beam and deposited in the middle of the ocean. You have to drive like a maniac and hide in tight alleys to beat the UFO!
There is also tons of Wobbly Life content on YouTube.
I thoroughly recommend this game, and its still in pre-release and priced as a pre-release, there are a few bugs here and there (but nothing like Cyberpunk!). Well done dev team, it must be a hard job trying to figure out what to add to the game, the options are almost limitless. Support Rubber Band Games, buy Wobbly Life, and play with a smile on your face (6 year old gaming partners are optional but add significant value to the experience). :D