I recently went to see the movie REAGAN and was blown away. The movie provided glimpses into Reagan's family history as a child as well as the depth of character he was able to develop given the situations he endured as a child. At a time when Communism was trying hard to get a foot hold in America (and was & is successful), Reagan was able to see beyond their veil of deceitfulness and he stood up to EVIL ... even when the cost was very high to him personally. We need another Ronald Reagan in the White House. Our country is more and more being pulled into the far-left, socialist ideology. If Ronald Reagan were alive and well today, he would be fighting tooth and nail again for the people of America. Let's stand up for and embrace the USA of the Reagan era. We need it!
Upon leaving the theater I heard two people discussing the movie. One person made the statement that "this movie should be shown to every student in every school in America". I most heartily agree with this sentiment. Most young people of today do not have any idea of who Ronald Reagan was and the good that he was able to accomplish in his lifetime.
And, yes, the movie also left me in tears at the end.