Avengers: Infinity War is neither a complete delightful package, nor an utter disappointment; it actually ushers somewhere in between it's highs and lows, like Thanos striving for balance.
The most striking factor of Infinity War success is its villain Thanos. He's compelling, powerful & brutal and almost undefeatable. More importantly, the films character display a great sense of emotion at certain times be it Spider-Man's goodbye to Tony stark or Thanos sacrificing Gamora, the emotional binding of characters is actually the soul of the film.
Fight sequences are almost properly executed and Odinson Thor is the real deal amongst all the avengers with Doctor Strange a close second. There are plenty of good humorous sequences executed beautifully in between, provides a little lightness to the film.
But despite all these highs, the film suffers quite a bit. The film is highly overstuffed, and no character except Thanos gets a decent screen time. Most of the sequences are dull and dark which makes watching it painful, ever more so in 3D. The film tone vary considerably from scene to scene and tonal transition affects the consistency of the film. The last battle in Wakanda with Thanos vs Avengers was cut short, especially Thor's second encounter with Thanos was expected a little more. Vision is a waste and Captain's role is really short.
And finally the end was sad, and unsatisfying. The only good thing at the end was the heartbreaking farewell of SpiderMan and Tony Stark.
It was such a hard thing to execute though, with all these characters. Great job done by Joe & Anthony Russo.
7.8 out of 10