I have mixed feelings about the making of this movie, but as a stand-alone movie itself this is an absolute work of art. I used to think I wanted to be a child psychologist, so I spent quite a bit of time studying child cognitive development. The child actors do such a good job or portraying psychological suffering in the way you would expect it to happen in real life, it’s almost scary. Macaulay Culkin, in particular, really became his character while acting. This is why I say I have mixed feelings. This feels like a movie a kid shouldn’t have done. I remember there being such a focus of him saying the infamous naughty word when this movie came out (“Don’t f*** with me”). However, he was also smoking in one scene, and part of what makes this movie slightly troubling to me is the hindsight of knowing that Macaulay dealt with some mental health issues. This would be a challenging part for even a grown-up to play. He was probably so good at playing his part because he was dealing with his own demons so young. Like I said, it’s somewhat frightening what a good job he does. Honestly, the acting is so phenomenal, it could just as well have been focused on two adults instead of who children. If you’ve ever dealt with manipulative family members in real life, this might be a hard watch, but I still think it’s an underrated 90s gem that slipped through the cracks.