I hate Reggies mom. Reggie is 12 years old and she likes toys. SO? I do to and I’m 11. It’s totally fine. She’s just a kid. And the fact that her mom started talking about purperty while Reggies friend who was a boy was there is just embrasaing. She gave her a bad birthday and did not even apologize. I hate her so much. But also, Reggie should dress better. She should not be wearing costumes and old clothes and proplaply should dress more girly. Also, the show is weird. I do not understand how this even got on Netflix anyway. Like, it’s actually inappropriate at times. And the butt witch??? It’s just weird. No 12 year old girl should actually watch this and enjoy it. It’s just plain weird and gross. Honestly, it’s also weird that Reggie had a crush on a girl who was obviously over 13. And the girl seemed to like her. Like you can even tell the obvious age difference. It’s creepy to think that the older girl might like her.
Well that’s all I have to say so THE ENDD