Disappointed 😢
If you read the novel, you will not like the sequence of events and you will encounter many differences in the certain events.
You will love watching some of the events that the movie did not address, and you will face a problem accepting the characters ,as some characters are very marginal.
You will never like what you see.
If you want to judge the movie without referring to the novel, the choice of main characters was not very successful. The narration of events was incoherent, and as you watch, you feel lost. There is no chemistry between the Lily and Ryle or even Lily and Atlas, and everything is cold.
The focus was on two characters and the rest were marginalized
The acting was not close to reality
Blake Lively was the worst choice in the movie, with all due respect, the worst acting in Blake Lively's career. Her fake laughter and constant biting of her lip were very provocative.
I think it would have been better to turn the novel into a series rather than a movie.