This book is disturbing . I had to read it for grade 11 English class. First of all the book and its plot points change so fast. Where you ask yourself what just happened. Another issue I have with it. Is that the author talks about minors having sex. And theirs a line in page 97. Where men from the Catholic Church bust into a house. Then it reads and I quote. They took the baby, raped her, and left her for dead. The fact the author came up with this is disgusting. And it comes out of no where. Before that line it said they were in a forest fleeing smoke and then it jumps to that. This line alone is terrible and there are multiple like it. This doesn’t feel like a book. It’s feel like the author has a weird fantasy with sexualizing minors. The fact this book is being read in schools is terrible. I feel bad to whoever was forced to read this book.