I was so hyped for this. I was so hyped for this. I was so hyped for this. Then part 1 and 2 came out and I no longer want to watch the rest of the series. I'll probably just watch Vader scenes on YouTube. The chase scenes are straight up LAUGHABLE. They're really trying to make me believe 3 BOUNTY HUNTERS can't catch a 10 year old girl for a whole 20 seconds. AND THE INQUISITER CHICK OH MY GOD. She's just not intimidating. She acts like a spoiled child with all the tools to get back at her middle school boyfriend who just dumped her. It's SAD. Then there's these backflips and wall climbing shots while chasing Kenobi for her to not really get anywhere. Oh yeah and then Kenobi is in a straight up shoot out with two dudes and forgets about them for a whole 25 seconds to make sure that the stupid little brat that refuses to listen to him doesn't fall to her death only to cut to a scene where Obi-Wan seems to have already won that fight and continue their journey. OH YEAH and then there's the one jedi phony who gets called out by Kenobi for being a bottom feeder who last minute decides to change his whole life by helping Kenobi escape the planet bes on. WHERE DID THAT COME FROM. WHAT A GARBAGE SET UP. I hated watching most of this. The only reasons I'm even giving this more than a star is because there's more episodes to come, there's some pretty cool hand to hand stuff Kenobi does and neat visuals too. But we didn't need this story. Especially if it's going to come with some garbage action scenes that will probably satisfy the new age of 10 year old star wars fans. I don't want this to be bad, but wow.