A very fun and unique game. The anime art direction and combat style works very well for a hack-and-slash game. Platinum Games has always made fantastic games and Astral Chain may be one of the best if not the best game they ever made. All 5 legions serve a purpose and are fun to use, for example the Sword Legion does become less useful for fast DPS focused combat when you get the Beast Legion but in terms of air combat and ability to stop and counter attacks without using the Perfect Call he still has purpose and use. But I do have complaints... the stealth sections for example... Stealth sections almost always suck in a non-steath game but they aren't bad once you get the hang of it. There are a lot more things I could gush about from the designs to the music to the look of the game but this is long enough... All you should know is that if you like games like Devil May Cry or other Platinum titles you should pick up Astral Chain and have a great time.