I want my time back! This movie is an empty shell and seems like an incomplete concept, and something that needed to be extended just to add substance. Any longer though and it would actually make me go as insane as the “protagonist”.
There is no pay off to any setups in this movie. There are no explanations to anything at all, which is ok when you’re earlier in the movie. However the longer this runs, the more questions it gives you, which is not a good sign. The ambiguity in this movie doesn’t lead people to come to their own conclusions here, as it is just nonsensical. More must be given to the audience for people to be sure of their own conclusions.
There was nothing entertaining about this experience either. Not every film is made with that purpose, but there is nothing deep explored here even in metaphors. This is not an artsy movie and does not give that vibe. If the point is to unsettle the audience, “Wounds” has done that purely out of how it simply gave us nothing, and not through any psychological thrill, as the genre suggests.
It was not scary, and it had suspense at times but this is the ultimate blue-balling plot as nothing is followed up on with anything that frightens you.
The acting was mediocre, but it’s mainly due to the script I suspect and the direction they were given.
The characters were all unlikable, which again does leave us not caring about what happens to anyone.
This is one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen, and I will remember it specifically for that reason.