There has been a lot of talk about how poorly written Willow is... so, let's fix Willow! Let's reimagine everything wrong in the first episode!
Episode 01 – Prince Airk is stolen away from Tir Asleen and a Garrison of soldiers depart from the kingdom led by Princess Kit and Prince Graydon to rescue him. Shortly after departing on the quest the entire Garrison and Captain of the Guard are killed leaving a young rag tag group to quit, or continue on their quest. The group not saved by their wit and skill, but by a simple yet powerful magician named Willow!
Character Motivation
Prince Graydon - His abusive father has thrown him to the quest in an attempt to get him to grow up. He does not want to go. He is also a second child, a backup, his older brother will inherit the kingdom and he is forced to marry Princess Kit for political reasons. Something he also does not want to do!
Princess Kit – Fights with her mother to join the group citing if she is to one day rule with her brother, she needs experience. Her mother relents unaware that her daughter true motivation is to join Jade on the quest and leave the kingdom forever, unwilling to marry Graydon.
Jade – A second in command/daughter of the captain of the guard. He believes in his daughter and pushes her to be the best! Pushes her because he loves her and knows the dangers of the world! He comes off abusive making her work for the respect of the Garrison soldiers! Father daughter death scene will be powerful!
Boorman – The charismatic scoundrel uses his guile to escape the dungeons of Tir Asleen castle. Ever a opportunist he is stealing food and equipment from the military Garrison when they are attacked and all the soldiers die. He survives with the group and joins as a guide, for a handsome sum, but we know he is only out for himself.
Elora Danan – She has a secret relationship with Prince Airk, and when he was kidnapped, she had her first vision! The Kingdom in ruin because of her, because she is wanted by evil forces who will stop at nothing to have her! Because of the well known Elora Danan legend, she realizes who she is and without any actual power, she is a danger to the good people of the Kingdom! She hides in the Garrison caravan, in an attempt to run away from her vision and keep her secret.
Willow – Nothing to change! All his motivation and character were expertly set up in the original movie.
The Quest begins!