Movie would’ve been good if it had an ending. It’s pretty sick the way they used baby Ollie and the little girl. All this movie was was a for the creators to glorify rape and child abuse. There was no psychological insight into why the murderers did what they did. They smashed a freaking baby’s head (not sorry for the spoiler because it’s disgusting) and then didn’t even say what happened to him at the end. The boyfriend was a POS. He was supposedly a doctor, but all he did was run around telling people he was a doctor yet did nothing to help literally anyone? And tell me why the cops rolled up knowing there was some psychotic rapist/murderers running around with one cop car, two cops, no bullet proof vests, and THEY TURNED THE CAR OFF. What kind of cop 😒. And in the rape scene they left the dad alone, showed the moms legs but then left her covered by her shirt, but throughout the entire seen had to have the daughters clearly violated rear end out the entire time. Even though she was knocked out on the ground and was not in one way involved in the entire scene. The ONLY people that were shown so graphically and brutalized in the entire movie was the teenage daughter, and the BABY. There was no closure, no happy ending. I get cliffhangers but do not mess around with freaking babies like that. It’s sick. The only good thing about this movie was the dog. He was a good boy. Well thanks for coming to my ted talk, 10/10 do not recommend