I enjoyed it a great deal but I think too much time is unrealistically spent fighting and we all know if you are out in space your concerns will be energy, food, water, air and avoiding fast moving hull penetrating space debree.
And on planets food, water, air, being clean not contaminated or decontaminated will be a true problem for survival and avoiding predators that see you as prey or even aliens who go look slaves, or look food, or look metal and materials, or look new technologies.
Other than that the game play runs well on digital sometimes I have some glitching on the Switch with the loaded pieces and if you get into the game play you can shake it loose causing glitches and on the X box one you can shake it completely free. The Toys to Life are super cool looking and make a nice display for youth or collectors as they are well made and attractive would look good hung from a ceiling but I find for a gamer the digital game load for the original pilot currently runs best as apparently he was first and glitches have been best worked out with him, his original weapon loads and ship. Surprisingly well written for novice players on the easy level for such a hard core gamer game. Great for all levels of players just takes a little getting use to so one can play it well. Patience at first will reward you greatly and there is lots of information online shared by others if you do not want to work it all out on your own.
The Graphics are top rate excellent well done impressively so and very beautiful sometimes breath taking and a pleasure to the eyes to look at. Nice color choices very beautiful scenes.
What would be a realistic e.g. super gamer challenge for a special prize not needed for playing the game would be possibly a sequence of challenges that are probabilities in space such as evading gravity fields based upon knowledge of black holes, super stars, sling shotting. Also trying to calculate time and resources to planets around obstacles such as black holes, asteroid fields, etc. For prize to be obtained in the debree fields if challenges are taken and the super hard challeng best prize level being a 98 percent failure chance if all greatests chances for best rewards savings on air, water, fuel, etc. being present so that people learn sometime the fastest way is not the best way to get somewhere even if the rewards are high except for the best pilots.
For me the long way around is better to get there than quick dangerous rewards as I do not fly these well. things like minimal marker drops capability to avoid obstacles when going in for resources could be placed and reclaimed upon leaving e.g a planet with raw materials pick ups. Risk of radiation contamination, distance etc. can be part of the decision on where to land etc. But these can be added if deemed interesting to gamers in the future. One would have to consult known space science information, scientists, NASA information, former trips as to what can transpire even when carefully planned or even look at on earth travels in times of unknowing like alleged cannibalism from drawn straws etc.