An excellent film with great production, direction and performances. The facts in this film are what gives it it's power and to close the credits with for every 9 executions that have been carried out in this country there is 1 person that has been proven innocent and freed from death row. this film focused on the injustice applied predominantly to people of color but I hope that my brothers and sisters don't miss the fact that they paid a lot of attention to the injustice of all people of lesser economic means and the impact on all the parties involved. The truth of the man coerced into fabricating his testimony and the circumstances were the equivalent of Guantanamo torture tactics praying on his greatest fears. The white officer who refused to lie for the prosecutor to corroborate the false testimony planted by the sheriff. The lives ruined by allowing that animal(Sheriff tate) to remain in office 6 more terms. Imagine how many more lives and families he destroyed over the 30+ yr career he enjoyed. Truly a film that deserves any and all awards given in the upcoming season.