In the first twenty or so minutes of The Titan I asked a few things. If they were going to start a new colony on another planet, wouldn’t they need a lot of other agencies involved?Governmental, religious (of all stripes, to be fair), not to mention, agriculture and infrastructure. All this to bring a modified mankind to another planet. AND to be fair, a racially diverse mixture of peoples.
After those twenty or so minutes I got the sense that this WAS a racially diverse group but consisted of nothing but soldier boys.
As far as the other necessary agencies are concerned, this whole project was the brainchild of one megalomaniac with a god complex. Much like Dr. Victor von Frankenstein or Josef Mengele of Nazi notoriety. So nobody else could play in this madman’s sandbox.
The movie itself moved along at a fairly decent rate. Much of it was filmed in night conditions which, to me, indicated the secretiveness and underhandedness of the entire operation.
They could have done totally without the end-of-days prologue. It would have added some “realism” to the movie. As it was, there is NO WAY this could have worked or worked out. They should have left it simply as 1 mad scientist’s attempt to make a hybrid of man that could survive Titan.