I can't tell if this is a mental exercise or someone who is genuinely schizo enough to posit that everything is a facade to the point that he describes Disneyland as quote, "a deterrence machine set up in order to rejuvenate the fiction of the real".
In other words Disneyland exists to make you believe society is real. This is how the world (potentially?) works at large.
The entire book is based on the premise that we cannot measure or record anything to 100% accuracy, thus we can never be sure of what is real. Thus we can make as many assumptions as we want. Probably the most stupid approach to not having information one could imagine, we would still be in caves if we approached the unknown in such a way.
Massive leaps in logic and large assumptions are made without anything to back it up. You come across absolutely insane suggestions like (and I quote again), "The confinement of the scientific object is equal to the confinement of the mad and the dead."
The bible of the post modernist. As an actual read it is awful. It's just typical mind vomit that jack knifes from one thought to another with no break whatsoever.
It presents the idea of simulation or simulacra as new ideas or concepts but the idea of reality being a simulation goes back to René Descartes.