The Dark Knight (2008)
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Pat Cahill
3 months ago
Why it rocks:
It's often considered the greatest comic-book movie of all time.
One of the most successful attempts to make a superhero movie appear realistic.
The Major Highlight: Heath Ledger's portrayal of the Joker is arguably the best and greatest incarnation of the Joker character to date. Ledger made an outstanding job portraying the Joker as insane and unpredictable yet utterly terrifying and menacing through his impeccable method acting skills. All of the scenes featuring him (Like the m ...MORE
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Walter Hines
6 months ago
In the Trilogy of Dark knight by Christopher Nolan,Shows us the real world approach on the comic created character Batman. Chris Actually showed the Batman in a different perspective that was new to the comic fans, the 3 movies shows the journey of batman how he evolves in every story.the three movies reflect the Beginniging, fall and rise of batman So The Dark Knight (2008) is about the fall of batman.
This movie is still consider as gold standard of superhero movie to look as example for many f ...MORE
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Fahad Gar
a year ago