The games unfinished, I get really vague playlist descriptions, packet bursts in nearly all matches, THE MVP SCREEN IS STILL HERE AFTER THOUSANDS OF COMPLAINTS, players become invisible, ttk is astronomically fast for nearly every gun, I get stuck on everything on these maps ESPECIALLY Numa Numa, dogs can fly and go up ladders, etc. There is a list made by the players because the devs are too lazy of 250+ confirmed bugs in this game on the Vanguard subreddit. This is an Alpha of a game that has no place being $60 for a AAA title. It’s a disgrace not only to the players but to the lazy people who made it and signed off on its sale. The campaign takes you less than 4 hours to complete and even that has bugs and glitches it brings me to the home screen at random times. There is no excuse, until this game is ACTUALLY fixed and they stop copying and pasting patch notes from Cold War, this game needs to be COMPLETELY FREE.