I have read many comments concerning Babywise , and I'm not understanding what others are talking about. The negative reviews that many are leaving and their reasons why, I didn't get that from the book. Yes, the book recommends a schedule, but mostly I believe, the biggest push was to implement a routine for baby. I was introduced to babywise when my little one was about 2.5 to 3 months and it was a game changer for me. I breastfed so I didn't feel that I wanted my baby to sleep 7 to 8 hours a night, but I was happy when he slept 4 to 5 hours a night before the next feeding, because he had become accustomed to our routine. With following babywise guidelines I was able to find rest and that is key to being able to appropriately nurture your baby (I believe). I followed the feed wake sleep cycles and my now 10 month old does not over eat but instead very healthy and gives me cues when he is done eating. He also doesn't ask for food when it's not time. We eat and then he spends the rest of his time playing and adventuring until nap where I lay him down and he goes to sleep ( unless growth spurts are happening. Then, I take it upon myself to rock him to sleep until he is over the spurt and then we easily transition back into our babywise routine). Babywise was a game changer for my family and I hope it will continue to be for others!