A cinematic delight! Peaky Blinders set up in 1920, takes you through the journey of how ambitious human beings could achieve things in life, even if the intent is not clear. It is for those who want to believe; for those who are never sure on why they are doing things, but whatever they do, they do with a strategy in place. As the series progresses, you would fall in love with Thomas Shelby for the kind of a man, he is. Being a gangster, you don't expect that chivalry coming from someone of his stature, but with Thomas Shelby, it comes quite natural. The marvelous cinematography makes the whole series as an artist's canvas. In the deepest sorrow, you could find the sheer calmness; at the same time, in the happiest moments, you would be struck with sudden melancholy. It is for those, who want to experience the different facets of life; those who believe that nobody is perfect, and all good and bad are inherently present in humans; for those, who value their words! for those, who are fooking great (an excerpt from the series) !!!