Dreadful. In a hotly contested race to the bottom, this comes from nowhere, where frankly it should have stayed, to set a new standard in every category of what not to do or how to be. Everyone involved should be ashamed and take this experience as a catalyst for their better future self. I know nothing of the book publishing industry, but quite how this was published will remain a mystery. A conundrum only compounded by the confusion that must have befuddled everyone involved in the production of this vacuous narcism. There are editors, directors, producers, even the cast, who must have been able to stop it before such a moronic life sapping piece of anti art was completed. Clearly there were no writers involved, I wonder if it was made during the writer’s strike? Even Netflix could have canned it at audience screenings. I defy anyone to find a single redeeming feature in this trite, embarrassing, soulless, awful assault on the senses. It should be deleted and any money earned or spent donated to charity.