First off I love wonder women and was super excited to see this movie. The first few minutes were great about when she was younger. After it got really slow and seemed to drag on forever without anything really happening.
I think the acting was great, and the movie had a great cast so the potential was there.
But really Chris Pines character (steve) was dead for 40 years and Diana is still pining for him are you kidding me? Like that is all women think about and need is a man to complete us. Diana is a super hero and you expect me to believe she is going to give up her powers for a guy... thats been gone for 40 years.
Also I didn't like how they made Kristen wigs character, I feel like it wasn't well developed and seemed rushed.
This movie made it seem like all women want is to be pretty and popular and cannot function without a man.
I was really hoping for something better from a super hero film.