I think this game is a great game. The gameplay is solid and has good mechanics.
The thing I can't get over is the lack of character progression. They missed the mark HUGE here. I would have loved to create a golfer and have him start off as the worst of the worst while slowly getting better as I play and complete challenges of sorts to increase power, accuracy, etc. Instead, they just throw you in and all you can do is change which clubs you use and the difficulty you play on. It would be one thing if the clubs got better as you advanced, but they don't. They all have some sort of give and take which makes every club more or less even.
The game is still a ton of fun to play, but if you're looking for something that will hook you and get you to try to become the best golfer, this is not the game for you. You're better off buying the old Tiger Woods games and dealing with the lesser quality graphics.