This is a stunningly well researched and hard-to-put-down book. Ray Dalio’s management style comes across as a mashup of Squid Game, Survivor, Lord of the Flies, and The Hunger Games, with a dollop of Jim Jones, the cult leader.
Scheming, manipulation, and coercive behaviors are fundamental to Dalio’s toxic KGB-style leadership.
Why did so many staff fall prey to his deceptions? Was it simply the money? There’s no doubt that therapists have profited immensely from the damage that this man did to his workers.
Apparently, Dalio always wanted a film to be made about himself. It will be a great film if they use this book as the foundation for it.
PS - I suspect some of the other reviewers that are attacking the book are paid schills acting on Dalio’s behalf. Apparently he went after the author and has a history of attacking his attackers.