If you’re sensitive you won’t like this one. It shows videos of cats (and a dog too I guess - I stopped watching) being brutally tortured - only cutting out right before the torture happens.
Like it shows the killer putting the kittens into a vacuum bag - not being vacuum sealed, but being put into the bag. Then it shows the corpses of the kittens when it gets out of the vacuum bag. It shows the killer holding a terrified kitten right above water before it drowns it. It shows a tiny kitten on the bed with a ball python. If that sounds absolutely horrible - it is. I stopped watching after that. It cuts out before you see the deaths, but you sure see the right before and the corpses after. It’s horrible and it will forever haunt my brain. I certainly think the editors didn’t have to be so gratuitous.
I had this recommended to me, not knowing much about it. I’m putting a one-star review to hopefully warn someone else about the content.