I cannot believe these women are still on the air. They are the most devisive women I've ever watched. I used to love this show. But it has become of the worse hen house bashings I've ever seen. What's next? Brawling on stage. I don't really understand why our country has moved to such abusive TV. Why do we need to know their opinions. Knowing their personal opinions and how they are expressed just turns my stomach. I avoid it at all cost. But they've become so radically comical they now star on other shows to be made fun of. WHY WHY WHY can't our country act responsibly and and with integrity? Shouldn't we be building unity in every corner of our country? We don't need a bunch of women like this spouting off. And this absolute ridiculous statement that white women think like their husbands has not met me. They didn't meet my mom either. I'm not a big joiner . Why? Because I think for myself. Am very independent. And happily so. And I know I'm not alone. This support for anyone female is ridiculous. I worked in Corporate America for 40 years. There is no way any of these women or even Kamala would have made it. Our women were leaders and worked their behinds off. Many kicked behind and took names. No way would any of the ladies I worked with not visit the border as it is right off the bat. And work to get a handle on it. Dang straight! It's not about being against immigration. It's about being smart ! Take this dang show off the air or change the tune!!!!!! #disgustedwiththemall!