I was a college student during this time period working and going to school. In retrospect I am saddened to realize I didn't protest enough. I attended one "stand-in" at University of Tulsa. I say stand-in because we had no chairs. There was not a large group of people. Oklahoma was a little more liberal then, but not as vocal as other states.
I know I am prejudiced, but I don't feel we have seen the powerful activism we saw from the generation protesting the Viet Nam War. The movie does not state it, but the activism did force the end of the war. We have lost many people to "war" since that time. I don't see the anger. Maybe because we don't see the coffins containing our soldiers coming off the planes nightly. We call the Viet Nam Conflict the Viet Nam War. We must remember it was not a declared war like World War I or World War II. Congress has not voted on whether we should wage war since that time. Wouldn't that make it illegal according to our Constitution? Declaring war has become at the will of the president. We are watching the three separate and responsible branches of the government coming to an end. That is very frightening to me. We have already seen examples of the weakening the three branches of government has impacted our nation.
The movie made me cry.