Everyone will make comparisons to CoH, so let's do that. Full disclosure, CoH is an inherently better game in pretty much all facets. It is also currently cheaper to purchase due to its age. Now onto the game.
As an RTS veteran, these games' longevity is determined on its multiplayer appeal. In that regard, this game has been dead for some time. The multiplayer community is essentially non-existent due to the factions having little to no variety from each other. Are the mech designs different? Yes, but they all have symmetrical roles from their faction counterparts. I'll be honest and say the mech designs and ideas are extremely cool. As an engineer, I appreciate some steam punk design. However, it's unfortunate that the mechs could have been so much more.
The infantry simply take up space and are used to capture points. They are nearly 100% symmetrical across factions minus one unit per faction. I really don't know what the developers were thinking with this. Infantry are the backbone of an army, and they made them basically the exact same across all factions. Cover. There is cover and no cover in IH; also, there is quite lack of this said cover. CoH has four levels of cover - none, exposed, light, and heavy.
There's a lot of in-between-the-lines kind of material here if you are familiar with CoH and IH. The developers also said this game was going to be much more strategy oriented versus "clicks per minute." With no faction variety, this isn't true whatsoever.
I'm giving this 3/5 simply for the cool mech design and decent graphics engine. The campaign is fine, but there's really nothing to return to after that.