I seem to enjoy almost everything but this show is so off the rails with basic science and how society works. I love vampire/zombie/pandemic/apocalypse series generally and this has a lot of those elements, but it is situated in an unrealistic parallel universe where infectious disease doctors just fly off to the arctic in improper gear, cops shoot suspects and other cops without any proper protocols or repercussions and vampires are given a "scientific" explanation that makes no scientific sense.
This could have been so much better with just some better writing and called out by someone with basic government, law enforcement and science knowledge. It is written like it wants to be situated in the real world but it is just not. They could have had these wacky elements if it had been a corn-ball, over-the-top, Tarantino type drama/thriller but it doesn't do that either. It also doesn't acknowledge that to have people transform into the dramatic DGI monsters of the vampires that there would have to be paranormal elements. To make a supposedly respected scientist and others just go along with it being prions just makes everyone seem super dumb, as do the lack of containment protocols put into place. The acting isn't stellar but it is engaging, and really, with this material and apparently terrible directing, it is hard to tell what is the worst in this dumpster fire.
I might still watch it. The production side is Netflix good and I do tend to love the genre but it is frustrating because of the issues.